Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Just haven't had it in me to write lately.  It's not been the busy nature of life, that's always there.  I've just been emotionally and intellectually tired, if that makes sense.  I needed a break from my normal routine so I took it.

We studied the usual Thanksgiving things in unusual ways last week and had a good time doing so.  This week we're looking at winter as a theme with our other homeschool work and have done some fun things. 

One of the things we've enjoyed the most is studying Robert Frost's "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening."  We studied Frost himself, discussed what the poem was saying and the power of poetical speech.  Wes, Maddie and Tyler all took a hand at writing their own winter poem and the results were astounding~they were all three really good!  I'll have to ask the children if I can post them here.

Today we studied this history of Advent and the science behind the Winter Solstice.  And, the kids are all three working on a short story about a type of toy they would invent and how it would work.

I'm blessed beyond measure.  I sometimes find myself being introspective and a bit down this time of year, thinking I should do more or be more like so and so.  But God is there, reminding me that the only person I need to hear "well done" from is my Father. And he's crazy about me.

So I pray we all take time this season to soak in his grace.  To look back with gratitude for the first advent, God in a body, and reach forward in anticipation to the second advent, God triumphant.  That's one thing I certainly want to celebrate.

Workouts:  I started a Kelly Coffey-Meyer rotation last week.  Here were my workouts:

Monday, November 22~New You Coming, body sculpting
Tuesday, November 23~30 Minutes to Fitness (MTF), Kickboxing workout number 2
Wednesday, November 24~30 MTF LIFT~Powersculpting and Body Refiner Abs
Thursday, November 25~Thanksgiving, off
Friday, November 26~Cardio/Sculpt Fitness, Sculpt Premix
Saturday, November 27~Get Ready, Step Go
Sunday, November 28~Rest Day
Monday, November 29~30 MTF LIFT, Olympic Lifting
Tuesday, November 30~30 MTF Cardio Blast, Athletic Step; V-Core Floor Core and Stretch

What I've been reading:  John Grisham, Surviving Christmas (cute book)
Livia Washburn, The Christmas Cookie Killer
Murder For Christmas Short Stories, ed. Thomas Godfrey

Friday, November 19, 2010

I enjoyed the serendipity of a different kind of day.  Last night Tom, my husband, told me that he was going to Atlanta for some errands, etc. and would take Maddie and Tyler with him to visit his mom for a few hours.  So early this morning off they went with their school books to have a day away.  Wes and I went to breakfast together after we walked the dog and then he came home to get his schoolwork done as well.

I got some extra cleaning done~dog blankets, throws, slipcovers, etc~then did my workout.  After that I went to the mall, which I never do, and spent Maddie's money on some clothing she wanted at Justice.  It was fun to buy her clothing with her own hard-earned money!!

Now I have cookies baking in the oven to take to the Hayride/Bonfire and then I will to take Wes to his overnight scouting event. Do you remember Oatmeal Scotchies?  I've not had one of those in YEARS and they're as good as I remember, yummmmmm......

I'm looking so forward to being at home tomorrow and mopping some floors, washing sheets and bedcovers, and watching football with no where else to be all day.  When I was younger I would have died having to stay home all day on a Saturday and "be bored"  but now that I'm older, I appreciate the beauty of days unfolding before me with no plans.  Thanks God, for the gift of downtime.

Today's Workout:  Slim Series Firm it Up (hour long lower body workout~I bet I'm a bit sore in the lower half tomorrow.)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Today we had a great learning experience.  Aside from the usual coursework, Mary Madison wanted to go shopping for some things for a sleepover she has tomorrow night.  Since she's been babysitting, she has been saving her own money and learning about tax, interest, etc.  She bought some things and discussed the benefit versus cost of various items.  She's turning into a savvy shopper and I'm really proud of her.

Tonight I have Bible Study and Tom is in charge of dinner for the kids.  I love those nights!

Tomorrow evening we have a hayride with the homeschool group and Wes is spending the night and cooking BBQ for a sale with his scouts.  I'm so excited about having a Friday morning off and a Saturday with no soccer.  The Lord is truly good, isn't he?

Today's workout:  Kelly Coffey Meyer Get Ready Step Go (cardio step workout and standing abs)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Today was one of those days my children love!  When they woke up I said, "Mom has declared an unschooling day.  Now, GO LEARN!"  I had to take Maddie and Tyler to piano in the middle of the day and desperately needed to get some work done around the house and some errands run so this seemed like the best way to accomplish that.

My stipulations on these days is that they play no video games, don't watch TV or read junk.  They must learn!  And boy, did they!

Wes studied Stonehenge.  He looked into various theories about how the stones were moved there, why it was made, etc.  Tomorrow he'll write up his theory and back it up with some facts.

Tyler studied his piano more in depth.  He tends to play by ear and really needed to study reading the notes.  He also worked on multiplication with decimals and did some independent reading.

Mary Madison worked on math alone.  She is really wanting to move up to the next level in her workbooks so she did that.  And, she worked on a play she's doing with the homeschool co-op this weekend and ended up doing some studying of the history of Thanksgiving to go along with that.  Plus, she gave the dog a bath!!

When the boys got done with some of that work, they decided to play learning games.  They played Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader and did a form of BINGO I can't even understand, lol.  They love to add twists and turns to things in order to make them more complicated~thus sharpening their reasoning skills.

We also got lots of straightening up and chore work out of the way, which always feels good.

I am so grateful to see my kids being more proactive with their learning and chores.  And, to see the blossoming of my prayer life a bit after a period of staleness. I just have to thank the Father~He indeed is so good.

Today's workout:  Slim Series Mix It Up (high rep, low weight workout with some cardio).

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Seems like things have been conspiring against me spending time blogging like I want to.  But, in fact, we take the time to do what we want to!

Last week we had our last co-op day until the end of January.  The kids had a great time but secretly I'm glad to have my mom time Friday mornings back.  But, I bet Tom will miss all his free time he got on Friday mornings as he will have to help the kids out again!

This week the kids and I are looking at the History of Thanksgiving.  We're doing some writing and studying and enjoying finally seeing the leaves begin to change.  And, enjoying some rainfall.

Funny thing about rain~it seems to encourage you to slow down, doesn't it?  And that is always needed.  God says to us to "be still and know that I am God."  I can't be still when I'm constantly rushing around.

So today, let's take a few minutes.  Pet the dog or cat.  Sip a cup of coffee or tea.  And feel deep with in your soul the grace that slips in as we relax in the knowledge that HE is God~and is in control.

Thursday, 11/11~Tracie Long mix:  Kickback (weighted cardio kickboxing), 20 minutes; Power Up (plyos and stretch), 20 minutes

Friday~ 11/12Tracie Long Lift Higher (30 minute lower body workout)  This was my 16th anniversary too!

Saturday 11/13~some yoga and dog walk.  My in laws were here for Maddie's last game and then she had 4 girls over for a sleepover, no time for any other formal workouts.

Sunday 11/14~rest and recovery from sleepover!!

Monday 11/15~beginning of a Slim Series/Kelly Coffey-Meyer week.  Slim Series is a high rep/low weight series.  I did Shape it Up, a total body workout based on opposing muscle groups.  It also has a light cardio effect.

Today:  Kelly Coffey-Meyer Cardio Kick Stepboxing.  I did the warmup, 45 minutes of stepboxing and stretch (54 minutes).

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Big news of the day here is that the Taco Bell about 1/8 of a mile from us is done remodeling. The kids had to go in and ogle at the new decor, lol. 

Other events included: piano, shopping at Walmart, and doing some online Christmas shopping. I live a very normal life, don't I???

The kids ended up studying history together today. It was awesome, we looked back at how history descended from Abraham through Israel, Greece and Rome to the United States.  We looked at why we have the government we do, why the nation was founded on Christian principles, etc.  It's amazing to me how all history really is HIS story~and to see the kids get that too.

Maddie is really excited because my new Samsung Strive phone came today. I've always had a pretty normal phone and this one is purple, too cool.  That means that she has inherited mine and now has her very one cell phone. She feels very grown up!!

Tyler did a great job on his multiplication tables today, which has been his weakest area. Maddie has really been proactive in getting lots of work done as well. All in all, just a good day where God allowed me to glimpse some growth in my children.  Truly, I am a blessed woman.

Today's workout:  Tracie Long Staying Power (AWT with Cardio and weights, abs and floor work)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Today we spent a lot of time on the usual suspects, i.e. math, spelling, English...But Maddie and Wes also did a creative writing project that was lots of fun.  They had to tell whether they would rather be a fruit or veggie (both fruit), which fruit and why.  Maddie wanted to be a star fruit, Wes pineapple (can you say he wants to be in Hawaii????).  We also spent time studying Jacques Cartier and the founding of Newfoundland and Canada (did you know Canada sounds like a Huron word for village?) and battle between the English and the Spanish Armada.

This afternoon Tyler played with Garrison, Maddie did her Bible Study with Mary Jane.  When the kids finally got home for dinner, Tom decided to pull out some new "toys" he found at a yard sale.  He got several albums at a yard sale~Grease, Elton John's greatest hits, Footloose, etc.  We all had a BLAST dancing around and our entire family did the Hand Jive, lol~even Penny, the beagle.  Maddie helped her out with her paw motions, too cute.  What a fun serendipity!!

God sometimes gives us the greatest blessings when we least expect them~like a time of dancing and singing as a family. I pray you've found some wonderful gifts from the Father today too.

Today's workout:  Tracie Long Step Forward(cardio, abs, triceps and chest workout)

What I'm reading:  Donna Partow, Becoming a Vessel of God's Power (our current Bible study selection).

Monday, November 8, 2010

Things never seem to slow down like I think they will.  I could bore you with all the details but suffice it to say, things have stayed busy. 

Today we had a AT&T come and bundle our Internet, phone and TV service.  The Internet is faster, the TV is definitely improved and I got a cool new cell phone free for adding a line for DD.  Yes, it's time, I guess.  Just hope she doesn't abuse the privilege.

Tom was home sick with a headcold but somehow we managed to do schoolwork.  Maddie was working hard on her math, Tyler on his English, and Wes on his algebra while the installation occurred.  We also read history and studied William Shakespeare, and read a summary story of MacBeth.  We did some extra cleaning that gets neglected over the weekend.  Maddie had American Heritage Girls and they boys are both at scouts~need to go get them both soon.

I was reading today about purity and frankly, it's an uncomfortable topic for me.  I'd love to talk about making my life more powerful in the Spirit, but not about cleansing of sin and radical purity.  Sometimes I just wish I could make a few of my own decisions and have God say fine, lol.

But he doesn't work that way, does he?  When the going gets tough, I just remember that he formed me, knows my frame, and how I best operate.  And his call to purity is FOR me. 

Just like I feel so much better after a shower, when done with exercise, God's cleansing makes me feel renewed, refreshed, and open to all he has for me.  So Father, clean me up~I love that squeaky clean feeling.

Saturday's Workout:  Kelly Coffey-Meyer 30 Minutes to Fitness, Kickboxing, workout 1.

Sunday's Workout:  Rest day, yay!

Today's Workout:  The start of my Tracie Long week.  I did Longevity Defining Shape (weight workout).

Friday, November 5, 2010

What a week!  It seemed to fly by at the speed of light.  Thursday Maddie had soccer practice and I had the first Bible Study I'm leading with some women in the church.  Today we had homeschool co-op and then I had to go shopping at the store.  Ugh, I hate doing that on Friday afternoon!

In the midst of all of this we also had to change out some winter clothes, take care of pets, laundry, regular cleaning chores, and school, of course. Throw in piano lessons and some dental visits and we had a busy time. 

Today I was slowing down and reading my scriptures this morning.  I got to the verse Hebrews 2:9 where it says "but we see Jesus."  I just had to stop and thank my Messiah that we can see him.  Not just learn about him, think about him but SEE him.  See him in the faces of other brothers and sisters in Christ.  See him in the daily miracles and serendipities of our lives.  See him in the wind, rain, sun, and trees that he created.  See act on behalf of his children~and be challenged and amazed.

So today this is my prayer.  That I may see Jesus.  Daily.  Hourly. Minute by Minute.  Especially when things are busy.

Thursday's workout:  Kelly Coffey Meyer 30 MTF Cardio Blast, Plyometrics.  I always feel so accomplished when I do that workout.

Today's workout:  Kelly Coffey Meyer Cardio/Sculpt Fitness, Cardio Leg Premix

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Mary Madison is 13 today and in honor of her birthday I chose blue, her favorite color.  She's had quite the day.  We went to Olive Garden for lunch with another friend of hers who is homeschooled too. She also asked me to declare an "unschool" day since her brothers have summer birthdays and don't have school then.  So she played games, did crafts and art projects, and read a favorite book~a perfect day for her.

Even though the teenage hormones rage and things aren't always fun, I wouldn't change a second of my time with her.  Having children has been one way God has insured that I stay humble, teachable, and in touch with my sin and self-centeredness.  And just when I think nothing can go right in a day, my child or children do something fabulous~like smile at me, tell me a joke or give out a hug.  And it simply makes everything worthwhile. 

So Father, thank you for the reminder that you love us simply because we are your children.  And though you love us too much to leave us where we are, the knowledge that we belong to you is enough to make you smile.

My workouts this week are all from Kelly Coffey-Meyer. Her workouts are mostly based on a 30 minute system~you workout 30 minutes but it is tough!

Monday's workout:  30 Minutes to Fitness Weights:  Biceps, Shoulders and Triceps, with Low Impact active rest intervals

Tuesday's workout:  Step Boxing:  Cardio and Abs

Wednesday's workout:  30 Minutes to Fitness Weights:  Back, Chest and Legs, with Low Impact active rest intervals